The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck — Book Review
By Mark Manson
Context: Mark Manson is a famous internet blogger, who started as a relationship adviser. Growing through a depressing childhood, Mark has faced a lot of problems which only helped him become a better person. The book consists of small incidents from Mark’s life as well as some other incidents which will leave a deep impact on the reader.
About the book:
The subtle art of not giving a fuck, a counterintuitive approach to living a good life bursts many conventional myths of “How to be Happy?”, being presented throughout the 21st century. Mark through this international bestseller, in a merciless approach, helps to find you what is more important in life and how NOT to think highly of yourself.
The book intends to bring you back to the ground, to face your problems and not avoid them, and to see things as they are instead of fantasizing about fallacies. Mark intelligently through scientific facts and stories presents basic theories that have a deeper meaning.
“With great responsibility comes great power” (p.96)
Feeling great already, eh? The book is filled with such simplistic yet powerful messages. It contains everything from relationship advice to lifestyle changes.
My Favorite Part:
Chapter 7: Failure is the way forward — The “DO SOMETHING” principle
With the example of his high school maths teacher, Mark shows how acting leads to motivation, rather than waiting for motivation to act on something.
“Action isn’t just the effect of motivation; it’s also the cause of it” (p.160), probably the most important thing for someone who is a pro procrastinator.
This is just my understanding of the book, there is a lot more that you should definitely check out. The book is written in simple language and will reach your heart in no time!
I recommend this book to everyone out there, do read it, and let me know your experience!